System Nudging

A frequent objection given against my rants against certain post-TSR trends in D&D is that my rants do not target the system per se, but rather table behaviour. That it is possible to use it in a different way and not go where the game is implicitly inviting you to go. I call this phenomenon of game invitation "system nudging". The basic idea is: If you have rules in the core system for how fighters may build a stronghold, then you will see this happening more often than in a system that does not make this part of its core rules. In other words, although the system is not necessarily telling you that you should do this, it is nonetheless nudging you in that direction. It's basically the system telling you how it wants to played. How often does this happen in Classic D&D vs 5e? The mortality rules for each set will give you a good idea. There are degrees of nudging, and types. Some are intentional, others accidental because the developers didn't consider ...