Introducing: O5R Games (Splitting this blog into two)

I am far enough ahead with Into the Unknown being print-ready, that the first two booklets just needs proper cover formatting to be print ready. And am basically 90% done with the remaining three. SO should be only a few months away now from a POD release.

Which also means I've set up O5R Games at And at this point, I think the game needs a more focused platform than the blog I set up originally to riff on my homebrew setting.

So I've set up a new blog:

That is where all items related to Into the Unknown will go. But also anything OSR related and of general rpg interest. Basically this blog will go back to being a blog about my homebrew setting and stuff I think only I would care about. I've migrated most of the posts I think belong in the former category to the new blog as well. You can expect the new blog to be busier than this one.


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The 3 Mile Hex - The Natural Unit for Exploration

In Praise of "Black Box" D&D

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On the Virtues of Descending AC